you'll have the best view at the top

Hi Reader,

On all fours, I pushed myself the last meters to the top. My head was spinning as if I had just come off the Cobra roller coaster in Walibi.

At the top of Mont Coin, I laid myself down over the edge of the abyss. My sons, not afraid of heights, ran back and forth on the edge of the rim, encouraging me to come and enjoy a fantastic 360° panorama.

Open mouth, we gazed at the beautiful peaks, mountain lakes and herds of cattle we encountered on our climb to 2500m. Up there, on the Alpine meadow, we -including my trembling knees- were offered a perfect overview of the Beaufortain area. It became clear how the forces of water and ice had eroded the rocks for millennia to create a breath-taking valley. And there, in the distance, the Mont Blanc stood out majestically with its snow-capped peak.

Panoramic landscapes provide you with amazing insights.
Although, to be honest, you sometimes may have to suffer a bit on the way.

  • How do you explore the drug landscape for specific therapeutic domains?
  • How much effort does it take you to create a 360° panorama of all available European and national data of authorised medicines, indications, reimbursement, prices and availability?
  • Do you efficiently reconstruct timelines of e.g. pricing and reimbursement events for a group of drugs?

Why not send a travel companion to the mountaintop for a picture?

At Digile we prefer to send out our digital assistant Farmanaut for this kind of sweaty job.

Farmanaut is a web service that enables you to explore the daily changing pharmaceutical landscape of all EMA and FAGG/AFMPS authorised medicines with ease.

Explore availability, prices and reimbursement criteria for a brand or a complete class at a glance.

Your digital assistant:

  • to explore the drug landscape by, brand, therapeutic domain or substance
  • integrating European (EMA) and Belgian data (RIZIV/INAMI, FAGG/AFMPS, BCFI/CBIP)
  • with timelines and graphs to follow drug market trends and anticipate moves of the competition

Have a nice day,

An from Digile
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ps: We are constantly improving Farmanaut to your needs. What is your biggest data challenge in monitoring the changing drug market? Let me know in reply to this mail, and we'll see if there's a way to tackle it or help you out.

Hi! I'm An from Digile

Want to learn how to easily integrate drug data, monitor changes and construct timelines for the European and Belgian drug market? Then subscribe to our newsletter and learn from our data experts. Nice to have you on board :-)

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